Barrero y Domínguez, S.L
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factory personel flame-cutting container completed FEVE's hopper repaired

Barrero y Domínguez

Area map

Map courtesy of

If your are driving from Bilbao, take Exit 8 towards Sarón / San Salvador / Astillero, and then take the right turn to Astillero passing a bridge over the river Solía. After passing the bridge you will find a roundabout and you need to take the exit marked in green "Ria de Solía", as described in the following map.

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Barrero y Domínguez, S.L
Ría de Solía, 7
39610 Astillero
SPAIN Barrero y Domínguez Tel: +34 942 542 274 — Fax: +34 942 542 482